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mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
Constants or literals are tokens representing fixed numeric or character values.
mikroC supports:
-integer constants,
-floating point constants,
-character constants,
-string constants (strings literals),
-enumeration constants.
The data type of a constant is deduced by the compiler using such clues as numeric value and the format used in the source code.
Integer Constants
Integer constants can be decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), binary (base 2), or octal (base 8). In the absence of any overriding suffixes, the data type of an integer constant is derived from its value.
Long and Unsigned Suffixes
The suffix L (or l) attached to any constant forces the constant to be represented as a long. Similarly, the suffix U (or u) forces the constant to be unsigned. You can use both L and U suffixes on the same constant in any order or case: ul, Lu, UL, etc.
In the absence of any suffix (U, u, L, or l), constant is assigned the “smallest” of the following types that can accommodate its value: short, unsigned short,
int, unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int.
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MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers | 39 | |