mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
making it simple...
Keywords are words reserved for special purposes and must not be used as normal identifier names.
Beside standard C keywords, all relevant SFR are defined as global variables and represent reserved words that cannot be redefined (for example: TMR0, PCL, etc). Probe the Code Assistant for specific letters (Ctrl+Space in Editor) or refer to Predefined Globals and Constants.
Here is the alphabetical listing of keywords in C:
asm | enum | signed |
auto | extern | sizeof |
break | float | static |
case | for | struct |
char | goto | switch |
const | if | typedef |
continue | int | union |
default | long | unsigned |
do | register | void |
double | return | volatile |
else | short | while |
Also, mikroC includes a number of predefined identifiers used in libraries. You could replace these by your own definitions, if you plan to develop your own libraries. For more information, see mikroC Libraries.
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46 | MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers |