
mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

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A structure is a derived type usually representing a user-defined collection of named members (or components). The members can be of any type, either fundamental or derived (with some restrictions to be noted later), in any sequence. In addition, a structure member can be a bit field type not allowed elsewhere.

Unlike arrays, structures are considered single objects. The mikroC structure type lets you handle complex data structures almost as easily as single variables.

Note: mikroC does not support anonymous structures (ANSI divergence).

Structure Declaration and Initialization

Structures are declared using the keyword struct:

struct tag { member-declarator-list };

Here, tag is the name of the structure; member-declarator-listis a list of structure members, actually a list of variable declarations. Variables of structured type are declared same as variables of any other type.

The member type cannot be the same as the struct type being currently declared. However, a member can be a pointer to the structure being declared, as in the following example:









illegal! */







OK */

Also, a structure can contain previously defined structure types when declaring an instance of a declared structure. Here is an example:

/* Structure defining a dot: */ struct Dot {float x, y;};

/* Structure defining a circle: */ struct Circle {

double r;

struct Dot center;

}o1, o2; /* declare variables o1 and o2 of circle type */

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