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Type Qualifiers

mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

Type qualifiers const and volatile are optional in declarations and do not actually affect the type of declared object.

Qualifier const

Qualifier const implies that the declared object will not change its value during runtime. In declarations with const qualifier, you need to initialize all the objects in the declaration.

Effectively, mikroC treats objects declared with const qualifier same as literals or preprocessor constants. Compiler will report an error if trying to change an object declared with const qualifier.

For example:

const double PI = 3.14159;

Qualifier volatile

Qualifier volatile implies that variable may change its value during runtime indepent from the program. Use the volatile modifier to indicate that a variable can be changed by a background routine, an interrupt routine, or an I/O port. Declaring an object to be volatile warns the compiler not to make assumptions concerning the value of the object while evaluating expressions in which it occurs because the value could change at any moment.




MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers