
mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

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Global name declared with static specifier has internal linkage, meaning that it is local for a given file. See Linkage for more information.

Local name declared with static specifier has static duration. Use static with a local variable to preserve the last value between successive calls to that function. See Duration for more information.


Name declared with extern specifier has external linkage, unless it has been previously declared as having internal linkage. Declaration is not a definition if it has extern specifier and is not initialized. The keyword extern is optional for a function prototype.

Use the extern modifier to indicate that the actual storage and initial value of a variable, or body of a function, is defined in a separate source code module. Functions declared with extern are visible throughout all source files in a pro- gram, unless you redefine the function as static.

See Linkage for more information.




MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers