mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
making it simple...
Prototype | char Ps2_Key_Read(char *value, char *special, char *pressed); |
Returns | Returns 1 if reading of a key from the keyboard was successful, otherwise 0. |
Description | The function retrieves information about key pressed. |
| Parameter value holds the value of the key pressed. For characters, numerals, punctua- |
| tion marks, and space, value will store the appropriate ASCII value. Routine “recog- |
| nizes” the function of Shift and Caps Lock, and behaves appropriately. |
| Parameter special is a flag for special function keys (F1, Enter, Esc, etc). If key |
| pressed is one of these, special will be set to 1, otherwise 0. |
| Parameter pressed is set to 1 if the key is pressed, and 0 if released. |
Requires | PS/2 keyboard needs to be initialized; see Ps2_Init or Ps2_Config. |
Example | // Press Enter to continue: |
| do { |
| if (Ps2_Key_Read(&value, &special, &pressed)) { |
| if ((value == 13) && (special == 1)) break; |
| } |
| } while (1); |
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238 | MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers |