mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
making it simple...
Next example waits until the CF card is inserted, and when plugged, it creates 5 text files on the card. Each file will be appended the same timestamp.
unsigned short index; unsigned i1;
char *fname, *ext;
void Init(void) { |
TRISC = 0; | // PORTC is output |
Cf_Init(PORTB, PORTD); | // Initialize ports |
do nop; |
while (!Cf_Detect()); | // Wait until CF card is inserted |
Delay_ms(50); | // Wait until the card is stabilized |
} //~ |
void main() { |
ext = "TXT"; |
index = 0; | // Index of file to be written |
while (index < 5) { |
PORTC = 0; |
Init(); |
PORTC = index; |
Cf_File_Write_Init(); | // Initialization for writing to new file |
i1 = 0; |
//Write 50,000 bytes to file while (i1 < 50000) {
Cf_File_Write_Byte(48 + index); i1++;
fname = "MY_TEST1"; // Name must be 8 character long in uppercase
fname[8] = 48 + index; // Ensure that files have different name
Cf_Set_File_Date(2005,1,1,0,0,0); | // Append a timestamp |
Cf_File_Write_Complete(fname, ext); | // Close the file |
index++; |
} |
PORTC = 0xFF; |
} //~! |
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170 | MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers |