
making it simple...

ANSI C Stdlib Library

mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

mikroC provides a set of standard ANSI C library functions of general utility.

Note: Not all of the standard functions have been included. Functions have been implemented according to the ANSI C standard, but certain functions have been modified in order to facilitate PIC programming.

Library Routines

abs atof atoi atol div ldiv labs max min rand srand xtoi



int abs(int num);

Description Function returns the absolute (i.e. positive) value of num.



double atof(char *s)

Description Function converts the input string s into a double precision value, and returns the value. Input string s should conform to the floating point literal format, with an optional whitespace at the beginning. The string will be processed one character at a time, until the function reaches a character which it doesn’t recognize (this includes a null character).





MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers