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Eth_InitmikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
Prototype | void Eth_Init(char *addrP, char *dataP, char *ctrlP, |
| char pinReset, char pinIOW, char pinIOR); |
Description | Performs initialization of Ethernet card and library. This includes: |
| - Setting of control and data ports; |
| - Initialization of the Ethernet card (also called the Network Interface Card, or NIC); |
| - Retrieval and local storage of the NIC’s hardware (MAC) address; |
| - Putting the NIC into the LISTEN mode. |
| Parameter addrP is a pointer to address port, which handles the addressing lines. |
| Parameter dataP is pointer to data port. Parameter ctrlP is the control port. Parameter |
| pinReset is the reset/enable pin for the ethernet card chip (on control port). Parameter |
| pinIOW is the I/O Write request control pin. Parameter pinIOR is the I/O read request |
| control pin. |
Requires | As specified for the entire library (please see top of this page). |
Example | Eth_Init(&PORTB, &PORTD, &PORTE, 2, 1, 0); |
Prototype | void Eth_Set_Ip_Address(char ip1, char ip2, char ip3, char ip4); |
Description Sets the IP address of the connected and initialized Ethernet network card. The arguments are the IP address numbers, in IPv4 format (e.g.
Requires This function should be called immediately after the NIC initialization (see Eth_Init). You can change your IP address at any time, anywhere in the code.
Example | // Set IP address |
| Eth_Set_Ip_Address(192u, 168u, 20u, 25u); |
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MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers | 175 | ||