Acer Altos G900 manual Viewing the system event log, Setting security options

Models: Altos G900

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Setting security options

1In the Security window, click the Options button.

2For each option, select the desired setting from the list. The options are:

Security Hot

The key combination that can be used to put



the server into secure mode.

Secure Mode

If no keyboard or mouse activity occurs during



the chosen time interval, the server enters



secure mode.

Secure Mode

The Enable option forces the server to boot



directly into secure mode.


The Enable option turns off the video when



the server is in secure mode

Floppy Write

The Enable option prevents writing to the



diskette drive while the server is in secure




Power Switch

The Enable option prevents the power and



reset buttons from functioning when the



server is in secure mode.



The Disable option allows the power and



reset buttons to function normally when the



server is in secure mode

3 Click Save to save the settings and return to the Security window.

Viewing the system event log

To view the System Event Log (SEL):

1From the SSU Main window, choose SEL Manager.

When you start the SEL Manager, it automatically loads the current list of events from nonvolatile memory.

2Use the F4 and F5 keys to scroll the window contents to the left and right to view all the columns.

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Acer Altos G900 manual Viewing the system event log, Setting security options