L1 - AdderView GEM locks on to active ports only during autoscanning (default)
L2 - AdderView GEM locks on to every port during autoscanning
L3 - AdderView GEM powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to active ports only L4 - AdderView GEM powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to all ports
L5 – Allow the mouse to run at any speed (default)
L6 – Don't allow the mouse to run at very slow speeds
L7 - Cascade query code = AD (default)
L8 - Cascade query code = EF
T1 - 2 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port (default) T2 - 5 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T3 - 7 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T4 - 10 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port T5 - 15 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port T6 - 20 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port T7 - 30 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port T8 - 60 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
U1 - AdderView GEM channels are switchable using a 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse (default)
(AdderView GEM reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U2 - AdderView GEM channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse
(AdderView GEM reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U3 - AdderView GEM channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(AdderView GEM reports 3 button mouse mode to PCs)
U4 - AdderView GEM channels are switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(AdderView GEM reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
U5 - AdderView GEM channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse
(AdderView GEM reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
U7 – Cycle between all ports when switching with ‘Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button mouse (default)
U8 – Cycle between active ports only when switching with ‘Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button mouse
AdderView GEM | Installation and Use | Page 13 |