Administrative Tasks
3-8 Initial Configuration 601354 Rev A
The selection of media for migration is dependent on both
Media Classes and media types. Refer to VolServ: Introduction,
60023A for additional information on media class migration.
Also refer to Media Type Migration on page 3-29.
Media type migration occurs only if the Media Class to which
the media selected for migration belong is associated with both
the source and destination archives. Archive media class
association is covered in see “Create an Archive Media Class”
on page 3-24.
Low Mark The low mark parameter is a user-specified percentage.
VolServ software applies the low mark percentage to the
archive media-type capacity to calculate a media-type specific
low mark threshold.
Any integer value between 0 and 100, inclusive, can be
specified as the low mark percentage. The specified low mark
percentage cannot be greater than the specified high mark
When the notify action mode option is specified, VolServ
software generates a message to both the Volume Server
SysLog Console and archive Console when the number of
media of the specified media type drops to the calculated low
mark threshold.
When the migrate action mode option is specified, VolServ
software marks media for migration out of the archive until the
number of unmarked media drops to the calculated low mark