Administrative Tasks
4-34 Normal Operations 601354 Rev A
Move Media to
Sometimes media located in one archive must be moved to
another archive. For example, it may be advantageous to move
infrequently accessed media from an automated archive to a
manual archive. Also, media that are in the intransit state
can be reentered into an archive using the move media
Basic move parameters are the move media identifier,
destination archive, and priority. The priority
determines the command location in VolServ command queue.
Optional parameters are a wait for status on completed move
option and move media only if both archives are attended
Before media can be moved, the destination archive must be
associated with the same media class as the media.
Intransit Media
Media that are ejected from the source archive by the AO but
not entered into the target archive are placed in the
intransit state. This state indicates that media are known
by VolServ software but are not physically resident in an
Modify Media
Optional media criteria can be associated with each media using
the modify media command. These are also referred to as user
or client statistics. Examples of user or client statistics are:
amount of usable space left on a medium, the most recent
mount date, and a user name.