What is Single Session?
Single Session means that once you have recorded to the disc, the disc cannot be appended or added to. You can record only one time to a disc, one home movie one video capture session. You can only record video to a blank disc. If there is existing video content or some other type of file on the disc, you cannot capture video to that disc. The disc must be blank. Therefore if you are using a
DVD Authoring Features:
Record to any type of Optical Media Select Optical drive
Confirmation of Optical drive capabilities
Confirmation of media type in drive and media condition (disc must be blank to allow recording) Select video compression format
Display of available video record time based on video compression settings and disc type Create Movie Title (Volume name)
Create Video Clip name
Set record duration time (display of available time) Set Chapter point interval
Select menu Background template
Quick Guide – CapWiz Direct to Disc Wizard
We have tried to make the Direct to Disc Wizard simple to use. You can begin recording video directly to a disc in as few as 4 Clicks. Here are the quick step by step instructions to start recording to disc in real time.
1)Insert a Blank CD or DVD disc into your disc drive.
2)Click the Direct to Disc Wizard button.
3)Select Capture Direct to Disc or load a file to write to disc.
4)Select the Video format you want to record (VCD, SVCD, DVD)
5)Choose the disc drive you want to use for recording.
6)Check disc status information on the Step 1 Screen.
7)Click NEXT
8)Type in the name your movie title and video clip
9)Set Duration time or choose “None” for manual control
10)Set Capture point time intervals or “None”
11)Click Record to Disc
12)Click Yes to begin recording after disc has been initialized.
Direct to Disc Wizard Instructions
Direct to Disc Wizard:
You will notice that we have added a link button on the lower left hand corner of the CapWiz screen called “Direct to Disc” –
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