The slight movement of a transmission signal in time or phase that can intro- duce errors and loss of synchronization for
Local Access and Transport Area. One of 161 local telephone serving areas in the United States, generally encompassing the largest standard statistical met- ropolitan areas. Subdivisions established as a result of the AT&T divestiture that now distinguish local from long distance service. Circuits with both end- points within the LATA (intraLATA) are generally the sole responsibility of the local telephone company, while circuits that cross outside the LATA (in- terLATA) are passed on to an interexchange carrier.
A diagnostic procedure where data is sent to the device being tested, and the output of the device is fed directly back to its input, looped around, and the returning data is checked against that which was sent.
Media Access Control (MAC)
As defined by the IEEE, the lower of the two sublayers of the OSI reference model data link layer. The MAC sublayer is concerned with media access is- sues, such as whether token passing or contention is used.
The Layer 3 information that is passed between the CPE and SPCS for signal- ling.
multipoint line
A communications line having multiple cable access points.
Name Binding Protocol (NBP)
The AppleTalk
Network Address Translation occurs at the borders of stub domains. Its pur- pose is to translate the IP address of passing packets by changing all references of one IP address to another. Translation is performed as per RFC 1631.
Express L768/L1.5 User Manual | 113 |