firmware revision 23 forward delay 39 frame relay 8, 48
frame relay connectivity to ADTRAN frame port 768 6
frame relay/DLCI mapping 49 frame relay/maintenance protocol 49 frame relay/polling frequency 49 frame type 34
front panel 10
front panel indicators 10
GetNextRequest 100
network connection 13 overview 3, 13 setting up the line 1
HDSL/channel rate 24 HDSL/FEBEs 25 HDSL/mode 24 HDSL/NEBEs 25 hello time 39
indicators 10 installation 13 interface
Ethernet 87 network 87
IP filter defines 46 IP map/active 50
IP map/IP netmask 51
IP map/link IP address 51
IP Map/NAT 52
IP map/RIP direction 52
IP map/RIP method 52
IP map/RIP protocol 51
IP menu 26
IP router 8, 28
IP router/mode 28
IP routes 74
IP routing 9
IP stats 77
IP/default gateway 26
IP/IP address 26
IP/IP router 28
IP/mode 58
IP/NAT 29, 58
IP/proxy ARP 32
IP/RIP 28, 59
IP/route 58
IP/static routes 27
IP/subnet mask 26
IP/UDP relay 31
IPX filter defines 47
IPX map/active 52
IPX map/IARP 53
IPX map/link network 53
IPX menu 33
IPX router 8
IPX routes 75
IPX routing 9
IPX servers 75
IPX/frame type 34
IPX/mode 33, 60
IPX/network 33
IPX/remote network 60
IPX/RIP timer 34
IPX/SAP timer 35
IPX/seed status 34
IPX/triggered 60
IPX/type 20 packets 60
Express L768/L1.5 User Manual | 123 |