108 Verification and Calibration
Table B-4. Operation Verification Test Parameters (continued)
Test Description Minimum Spec Results * Maximum
Spec Measurement
MODEL Agilent E4351B Voltage Programming and Readback
Low Voltage (0 V) -20 mV VDVM = ______ mV +20 mV 2.0 µV
Front Panel Display Readback VDVM -84 mV VFP = ______ mV VDVM +84 mV 2.0 µV
High Voltage ( 60 V) 119.89 V VDVM = ______ V 120.11 V 1.7 mV
Front Panel Display Readback VDVM -180 mV VFP = ______ mV VDVM +180 mV 1.7 mV
Current Programming and Readback
Low Current (0 A) -10 mA IDVM = ______ mA +10 mA 15 µA
Front Panel Display Readback IDVM -14 mA IFP = ______ mA IDVM +14 mA 15 µA
High Current (8 A) 3.982 A IDVM = ______ A 4.018 A 586 µA
Front Panel Display Readback IDVM -22 mA IFP = ______ mA IDVM +22 mA 586 µA
* Enter your test results in this column.
CalibrationImportant The Agilent SAS can only be calibrated in Fixed mode. Mode switching is accomplished over the
GPIB bus via the SCPI CURRent:MODE command.
The Agilent SAS may be calibrated either from the front panel or from a controller over the GPIB. The procedures given
here apply to both models. The recommended calibration interval is once a year. Note that these instructions do not include
verification procedures. If you need to perform verification as a prerequisite to or as part of your calibration procedure, see
Test Equipment Required
The equipment listed in Table B-1, or equivalent, is required for calibration.
General Procedure
Because the Agilent SAS output must be enabled during calibration, voltages or currents
hazardous to personnel and/or damaging to equipment can appear at the output terminals.
Parameters Calibrated
The following parameters may be calibrated:
• Output voltage.
• Output voltage readback.
• Overvoltage protection (OVP).
• Output current.
• Output current readback.
You do not have to do a complete calibration each time. If appropriate, you may calibrate only the voltage or current and
proceed to "Saving the Calibration Constants".
Figure B-1 shows the test setups required for voltage and current calibration.