Language Dictionary 69
Table 7-2 is a tree diagram of the subsystem commands. Commands followed by a question mark (?) take only the query
form. Except as noted in the syntax descriptions, all other commands take both the command and query form. The
commands are listed in alphabetical order and the commands within each subsystem are grouped alphabetically under the
This summary lists all Agilent SAS subsystem commands in alphabetical order, followed by all common commands in
alphabetical order. See Table 7-3 for the command parameters accepted by each Agilent SAS model.
Table 7-2. Subsystem Commands Syntax
ABORt Resets the trigger system to the Idle state
CALibrate See Appendix B
[:STATe] <bool> Enable/disable front panel display (0,1,OFF,ON)
:MODE <mode> Set display mode (NORM | TEXT)
:TEXT [:DATA] <string> Sets the text that is displayed
[:IMMediate] Initiates the output trigger system
:CONTinuous, <bool> Sets continuous initialization (0,1,OFF,ON)
:CURRent [:DC]? Returns dc current
:VOLTage [:DC]? Returns dc voltage
:TABLe <name> Copy selected table to non-volatile memory with new name.
:ALL | DELete <name> Delete all user-defined tables
[:NAME} <name> Delete specified user-defined table
:CATalog? Returns names of all user-defined tables
[:MAGNitude] <NRf+> Appends current points to selected table
:POINts? Returns number of current points in selected table
:SELect [<name>] Selects a table for subsequent table commands
[:MAGNitude] <NRf+> Appends vo ltage points to selected table
:POINts? Returns number of voltage points in selected table
[:STATe] <bool> Enables/disables the dc source output
:CLEar Reset latched protection
:DELay <NRf+> Delay after programming/before protection (0 to 32,767)