Language Dictionary 73
This subsystem manages the instrument’s data table memory.
This command copies the table that was selected with MEM:TABL:SEL to non-volatile memory. You can use the same
name or a different name. Names cannot be longer than 12 alphanumeric characters and must start with an alpha character.
A maximum of 30 tables can be stored in non-volatile memory. Non-volatile memory has only 3,500 table points available
to be shared among all tables. Tables larger than 3,500 points cannot be copied.
Command Syntax MEMory:COPY:TABLe <STR>
Parameters a valid table name
Examples MEM:COPY:TABL curve1
These commands delete all, or the specified user-defined table in both volatile and non-volatile memory. Note that
MEM:DEL:ALL does not delete any tables if a table has been activated with the SOURe:CURRent:TABLe command.
Command Syntax MEMory:DELete:ALL
MEMory:DELete[:NAME] <STR>
Parameters a valid table name
Examples MEM:DEL:ALL MEM:DEL:NAME curve1
This command creates a new table to be programmed with a list of voltage and current points. Table names cannot be longer
than 12 alphanumeric characters and must start with an alpha character. This command is also used to select an existing
table in volatile memory to be copied into non-volatile memory using MEM:COPY:TABL. If you send this command
without specifying a table name, it will de-select any selected table.
Command Syntax MEMory:TABLe:SELect [<name>]
Parameters a valid table name
These commands program a list of current or voltage points for a new table. A table must have at least 3 points. A
maximum of 100 comma-separated points may be entered each time the commands are used. Repeatedly sending this
command will append additional points to the end of the table, up to a maximum of 4000 points. A maximum of 30 tables
can be stored in volatile memory. Volatile memory has 30,000 table points available to be shared among all tables.
If you are programming a slave unit that is paralleled to a master unit, you must send the same values to the slave unit .
However, you must append a -999 to the end of the current string and a +999 to the end of the voltage string. These values
configure the unit as a slave.
Command Syntax MEMory:TABLe:CURRent [:MAGNitude] <Nrf>
MEMory:TABLe:VOLTage [:MAGNitude] <Nrf>
Parameters 0 to maximum current or voltage rating
(current values must be entered in equal or in descending order;
voltage values must be entered in ascending order)
Default Value 0
Examples MEM:TABL:CURR 7.8,7.7,7.5, 7,6.5,5.5,4,3,2,1
MEM:TABL:CURR 7.8,7.7,7.5, 7,6.5,5.5,4,3,2,1, -999 (paralleled slave unit )
MEM:TABL:VOLT 5,35,45,50,52,54,56,57,58,59
MEM:TABL:VOLT 5,35,45,50,52,54,56,57,58,59, +999 (paralleled slave unit)