Verification and Calibration 113
This command enables and disables the calibration mode. The calibration mode must be enabled before the Agilent SAS
will accept any other calibration commands. The first parameter specifies the enabled or disabled state. The second
parameter is the password. It is required if the calibration mode is being enabled and the existing password is not 0. If the
second parameter is not entered or is incorrect, an error is generated and the calibration mode remains disabled. The query
statement returns only the state, not the password. Note that whenever the calibration mode is changed from enabled to
disabled, any new calibration constants are lost unless they have been stored with CAL:SAVE.
Command Syntax: CALibrate:STATe <bool> [,<NRf>]
Parameters {0 | OFF} | {1 | ON} [,<NRf>]
*RST Value OFF
Examples CAL:STAT 1,4350 CAL:STAT OFF
Query Syntax CALibrate:STATe?
Returned Parameters {0 | 1 }
Related Commands CAL:PASS CAL:SAVE
This command is used to calibrate the output voltage. The command enters voltage value that you obtain from an external
meter. (If you are entering the voltage value, allow time for the DVM to stabilize.) You must first select a calibration level
(CAL:VOLT:LEV) for the value being entered. Two successive values (one for each end of the calibration range) must be
selected and entered. The Agilent SAS then computes new voltage calibration constants. These constants are not stored in
nonvolatile memory until saved with the CAL:SAVE command.
Command Syntax CALibrate:VOLTage[:DATA] <NRf>
Parameters (See applicable Output Ratings in appendix A)
Default Suffix A
Examples CAL: VOLT 322 . 5 MV CAL: VOLT: DATA 3 . 225
Related Commands CAL:SAVE CAL:STAT
This command sets the Agilent SAS to a calibration point that is then entered with CAL:VOLT[:DATA]. During
calibration, two points must be entered and the low-end point (MIN) must be selected and entered first.
Command Syntax CALibrate:VOLTage:DATA {MIN|MAX}
Parameters { < CRD > | MINimum | MAXimum}
Related Commands CAL:VOLT[:DATA] CAL:STAT
This command calibrates the Agilent SAS overvoltage protection (OV) circuit. The output voltage must be in calibration
before this procedure is performed. Also, the Agilent SAS output must be enabled and operating in the constant voltage
(CV) mode. If present, the optional relay accessory must either be disconnected or set to the off (open) state. The Agilent
SAS automatically performs the calibration and stores the new OV constant in nonvolatile memory. CAL:VOLT:PROT is
a sequential command that takes several seconds to complete.
Command Syntax: CALibrate:VOLTage:PROTection
Parameters (None)
Related Commands CAL:STAT