•Ensure rubber deflectors are in position and not damaged. Replace worn, broken, and missing sections immediately.
•Ensure the rollers are in good condition and rotate freely.
•Inspect that all bolts and screws are in position.
•Inspect the condition of the drive belts.
•Ensure the slip clutch (rear mower section only) is properly adjusted and the friction plates are not frozen together. Reference the Maintenance Section for proper slip clutch maintenance.
•Ensure the slop clutch shield and drive belts shields are in place and in good repair.
•Ensure the tractor PTO master shield is in place, lowered and in good condition.
•Inspect cutter knives and knife pins for looseness and excessive wear. Make sure the mower is securely blocked up before crawling beneath. Replace damaged, worn, and missing knives as complete sets to maintain cuttershaft balance.
•Remove any grass or other debris which may be wrapped around the cuttershafts.
•Inspect the condition of deck skid shoes and hardware.
HYDRO 88 & 96 03/09 | Operation Section |
©2009 Alamo Group Inc.