I cannot access my voicemail
•Make sure your operator’s voicemail number is correctly entered in "My numbers"
•Try later if the network is busy
I am unable to send and receive MMS
•Check your phone memory availability as it might be full
•Contact your network operator to check service availability and check MMS parameters (see page 33)
•Verify the server centre number or your MMS profile with your operator
•The server centre may be swamped, try again later
The flickering icon is displayed on my standby screen
•You have saved too many short messages on your SIM card; delete some of them or archive them in the phone memory
SIM card PIN locked
•Contact your network operator to obtain the PUK code (Personal Unblocking Key)
I am unable to connect my phone to my computer
•Install ALCATEL ONE TOUCH PC suite first of all
•Check that your computer meets the requirements for ALCATEL ONE TOUCH PC Suite installation
•Make sure that you’re using the right cable from the box
I am unable to download new files
•Make sure there is sufficient phone memory for your download
•Select the microSD card as the location to store downloaded files
•Check your subscription status with your operator
The phone cannot be detected by others via Bluetooth
•Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on and your phone is visible to other users (see page 71)
•Make sure that the two phones are within Bluetooth’s detection range
How to make your battery last longer
•Make sure you follow the complete charge time (minimum 3 hours)
•After a partial charge, the battery level indicator may not be exact. Wait for at least 20 minutes after removing the charger to obtain an exact indication
•Switch on the backlight upon request
•Extend the email
•Update news and weather information on manual demand, or increase their
•Deactivate Bluetooth when not in use
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TCT Mobile Limited.
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TCT Mobile Limited.
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English - CJA2610ALAAA