IN-2 365-360-001R6.0
Issue 1 December 2008
.................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................
navigation pane, 6
NavisRadius™, 1
Network Access Server, 1
Notes on File Naming, 19
Oobtaining technical suppor,t vii
Ppanel commands
Reload Files, 3
Revert to Last Saved, 3
Save Changes, 3
panel menu, 3
Password File, 5
Password from User profile, 9
Pending Proxy Requests, 15
performance monitor, 6
Policy Flow Editor, 1
Policy Limits, 14
Policy Name 5
Policy Wizard, 2
PolicyAssistant, 4
preferences, 5
print command, 3, 4
print options
print preview, 4
save to adobe PDF File, 4
save to Web page (HTML), 4
Print to System Printer, 4
provisioning a session, 12
provisioning rules, 16
Proxy, 8
Purpose of the Server
Management Tool, 1
RRADIUS client, 2
RADIUS servers, 3
RADIUS User File, 4
RADIUS User Files, 6
reply attributes, 1
Reply-Items, 1
rolled-over file, 19
run directory, 2
run subdirectory, 4
SSearch by Typing, 10
Server Connection, 2
Server Management Tool, 1
Server Statistics panel, 2
Session-Timeout, 14
Setting Reply Attributes for a
User, 12
SHA1, 11
SMT, 1
SMT interface, 2
SMT User Files pane, 3
SQL Database, 5
SQL Databases, 7
Starting the Server Management
Tool, 2
state command, 25
Stats Collector panel, 2
support, technical, vii
switched file, 19
System Administrator, 1
System Operator, 2
Ttable, 6
Tail panel, 10
technical support, obtaining, vii
templates, 16
time based file switching, 19
UUniversal State Server, 1
Universal State Server
state, 25
UNIX System, 5
User Profile Source, 6
user profiles, 2
User Profiles Tool panel, 4
User Session Limits, 14
user source, 4
USS, 1
Vverification attributes, 1
view, 4, 6
WWindows SAM, 5