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List of Server CommandsServer Diagnostics and Control Commands
24-18 365-360-001R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
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Command Format: logrule insert <num> <rule>
<num> <rule> ::= [<areaCondition>] [<itemCondition>]
[<logLevel>] [<pattern>] {<channel>}
[<areaCondition>]::= AREA=<wildcard value>
[<itemCondition>]::= <variable expression> =<wildcard value>
logrule list
Description: Lists logging rules.
Command Format: logrule list
There are no arguments for this command.
==> logrule list
1 area * INFO <ALL> LogToFile
logrule load
Description: Loads logging rules from a file.
Command Format: logrule load <fileName>
logrule move
Description: Moves a logging rule.
Command Format: logrule move <num> <num>
logrule remove
Description: Deletes a logging rule.
<num> Specifies where to insert this log rule.
<rule> ::= [<areaCondition>]
[<logLevel>] [<pattern>]
rule may be expressed as
areaCondition, itemCondition,
logLevel, pattern, or channel.
[<itemCondition>]::= <variable
expression> =<wildcard value> itemCondition may be expressed as a
variable expression, or a wildcard
<fileName> The name of the file from which the logging
rules will be loaded.
numb The start and end logging rule numbers to be