Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
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Issue 1, December 2008 17-17
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Figure 17-11 Server Statistics–Proxy Roundtrip Times
Data is expressed both in tabular form and through performance monitors, one for proxy
authentication requests and one for proxy accounting requests.
The screen contains two columns as follows:
•Round Trip Time–Total time spent waiting for responses to proxy authentication
and proxy accounting requests since system initialization.
•Interval Change–Total time spent waiting for responses to proxy authentication
and proxy accounting requests since the last interval update.
Each column contains an entry for proxy authentication requests and an entry for proxy
accounting requests.
The screen also displays two performance monitors or graphs that display the number of
packet samples (horizontal scale) against round trip time in seconds (vertical scale).
Screens that Monitor State Server Activity
This sections describes the following four screens:
•State Changes
•State Events
The following sections explain in detail about these screens.