List of Server CommandsServer Diagnostics and Control Commands
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Issue 1, December 2008 24-9
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<disposition> :: = * | total | expire| statetimeout |
<bucket> :: = * | count | time
diag normal
The following section lists the diag normal commands and their arguments:
diag normal list
Description: Lists the normalized list.
Command Format: diag normal list
There are no arguments for this command.
diag normal stats
Description: Lists the normalized list statistics.
Command Format: diag normal stats
There are no arguments for this command.
[-notrim] Specifies to include all statistics. When
not specified, only statistics with non-zero
values are retrieved.
[-sort] Specifies to sort the statistics by key name
[<flow>[<- Narrows the methods to view. <flow>
specifies which PolicyFlow to view (*,
auth, or acct).
[<-<method>] Specifies which method name to view (*
or specific PolicyFlow method name. This
attribute may be expressed as * or
<methodName> .
[-<disposition>] Specifies which statistic item to view. This
attribute may be expressed as: Total,
Success, Failure, Error, Accept,
Reject, Discard, Suspend, Jump,
Challenge, Continue, Expire, and
[-<bucket>] Specifies either TIME or COUNT. This
parameter may be expressed as *, count,
or time.