.................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................
vi 365-360-001R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
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Tabl e 1-1 lists the typographical conventions used throughout this manual.

Table 1-1 Conventions used in the document or manual
Convention Meaning Example
boldface Names of items on screens.
Names of commands,
properties and plug-ins.
Names of buttons you should
Click the Enable check box.
The AuthLo cal plug-in
compares password attributes.
Click Vali da te to check the
syntax of the method.
Arial boldface Names of keys you should
press. Press Enter to continue.
<angle brackets> Variables that require you to
substitute another value. http://<server IP address or
where <server IP address or
name> is the address of name
of the 8950 AAA server.
italics Names of manuals or the first
occurrence of a glossary
Refer to the 8950 AAA 6.0

User’s Guide and

Reference for more
Arial italic Directories, paths, file
names, email addresses, and
Uniform Resource Locators
The 8950 AAA Web site is
click Press the left mouse button
once. To view the online help, click
the book icon on the 8950
AAA toolbar.
right-click Press the right mouse button
once. Right-click a Selector Type to
view a list of selector types
for method selection.
double-click Press the left mouse button
twice. To open the Accounting
Method Configuration panel,
double-click anywhere on the
tab display.