Advanced Reflexes Alcatel User Guide - 39 -
Associated extension
If your extension is linked to another extension on the system,
this extension is known as your associated extension.
Back and forth
If you have two calls in progress on your extension you may
‘shuttle’ between the two, talking to each one, without the
other being able to hear.
Broker Call
A function which allows you to hold two calls at once,
switching from one to the other.
Call parking
If you answer a call on someone else’s extension, you may
‘park’ the call, so that you may return to your own extension
and retrieve the call from there.
Call pick up
To answer a call that is ringing on another extension.
Call back
You may book a request for a busy or unanswered extension
to call you back.
Category of service
Each extension on the system is given its own class of service
(COS). Your COS determines the system features you are
allowed to use, and what types of outside calls you can make.
For example, you may be allowed to make any type of call,
including international, or you may be restricted to local calls
Charge counters
The charging counters on your extension indicate the cost or
the number of units used during your last call, as well as the
total amount of time or units used since your counter was last