Configuring the Switch
2-33Using a Mirror Port for Analysis
You can mirror traffic from any source port to a target port for real-time analysis. You
can then attach a network sniffer or RMON probe to the target port and study the
traffic crossing the source port in a completely unobtrusive manner. When mirroring
port traffic, note that the target port must be configured in the same VLAN as the
source port (see “Configuring Virtual LANs” on page 2-44).
You can use the Mirror Port Configuration screen to designate a single port pair for
mirroring as shown below:
Alcatel OmniStack 8008
< Mirror Port Configuration >
Mirror Source Port : Port 1
Mirror Target Port : Port 2
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, other keys to make changes.
Parameter Description
Mirror Source Port The port whose traffic will be monitored.
Mirror Target Port The port that will dup licate or “mirror” all the traffic happening on the
monitored port.
Status Enables or disables the mirror function.