15. Using multiple HDSP MADI / AES-32
The current driver supports operation of up to three HDSP MADI. Both HDSP MADI and HDSP
•If one of the HDSP systems is set to clock mode Master, all others have to be set to clock mode AutoSync, and have to be synced from the master, for example by feeding word clock. The clock modes of all units have to be set up correctly in their Settings dialog.
•If all units are fed with a synchronous clock, i.e. all units show Sync in their Settings dialog, all channels can be used at once. This is especially easy to handle under ASIO, as the ASIO driver presents all units as one.
Note: TotalMix is part of the hardware of each HDSP system. Up to three mixers are available, but these are separated and can't interchange data. Therefore a global mixer for all units is not possible.
16. DIGICheck
The DIGICheck software is a unique utility developed for testing, measuring and analysing digi- tal audio streams. Although this Windows software is fairly
•Level Meter. High precision
•Hardware Level Meter for Input, Playback and Output. As above, received
•Spectral Analyser. World wide unique
•Vector Audio Scope. World wide unique Goniometer showing the typical afterglow of an
•Totalyser. Spectral Analyser, Level Meter and Vector Audio Scope in a single window.
•Bit Statistics & Noise. Shows the true resolution of audio signals as well as errors and DC offset. Includes Signal to Noise measurement in dB and dBA, plus DC measurement.
•Channel Status Display. Detailled analyzis and display of SPDIF and AES/EBU Channel Status data.
To install DIGICheck, go to the \DIGICheck directory on the RME Driver CD and run setup.exe. Follow the instructions prompted on the screen.
DIGICheck is conctantly improved. The latest version is always found on our website
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