There are four (4) electrical components associated with the dryer’s base section. These components are interfaced to a junction box, and connect to the main electrical enclosure through a disconnect cable. The “Base Junction Box” is located on the right rear of the base section, and title of its wiring diagram is
•Tumbler position information (Front Up - Level Rear Up)
•Lint chamber pressure information
•Lint screen mechanism functioning OK information
The following information will provide a means to respond to “Base” associated fault messages, and to verify all the electrical signals associated with the base section. Refer to the Base Junction Box for detailed wiring diagram.
1.Front Door Switch
The “front down sensing switch” is located on the left side of the dryer base and comprises of four (4) parts: head, arm, body, and cord grip device. The head is a rotating type, with a roller arm attached for switch actuation. The body contains a
“A” provides a “front down” signal to the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) “B” is used as an electrical interlock to the “Rear Up Signal”
2.Rear Down Switch - LS2
The “rear down sensing switch” is located on the left side of the dryer base, and comprises of four (4) parts: head, arm, body, and cord grip device. The head is rotating type, with a roller arm attached for switch actuation. The body contains a
“A” provides a “rear down” signal to the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
“B” is used as an electrical interlock to the “Front Up Signal”
3.Lint Drawer Proximity Switches
The “Lint Drawer Proximity Switches” are located on the left side of the dryer base, and comprises of six
(6)parts: Junction Box, two (2) proximity switches, and three (3) cord grip switches. The switches sense a magnet installed on the lint draws that verify that ALL safeties are met to the Burner Controller and also signal the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) that enables the dryer to begin a drying cycle.
NOTE: Front Lint Drawers and Rear Lint Drawer are not interchangeable.
“B” is used as an electrical interlock to the PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controller’s) 110 VAC output power.