Locating The Water Heater
Carefully choose a location for the new water heater. The placement is a very important consideration for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most economical use of the appliance.
Property Damage Hazard
•All water heaters eventually leak.
•Do not install without adequate drainage.
Whether replacing an existing water heater or installing the water heater in a new location observe the following critical points:
1.The water heater must be located indoors.
2.The water heater must not be located in an area where it will be subject to freezing temperatures.
3.Locate the water heater so it is protected and not subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle.
4.Locate the water heater on a level surface.
5.Locate the water heater near a floor drain. The water heater should be located in an area where leakage of the tank or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the water heater or to lower floors of the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a metal drain pan, adequately drained, be installed under the appliance.
6.Locate the water heater close to the point of major hot water usage.
7.Locate the water heater close to a 120 VAC power supply. See Power Supply on page 13 for requirements.
8.Locate the water heater where an adequate supply of fresh air for combustion and ventilation can be obtained. See Air Requirements on page 17.
9.Locate the water heater where the vent and intake air piping, when installed, will remain within the maximum equivalent lengths allowed. See Venting Requirements on page 22.
10.Do not locate the water heater where noise (such as the Combustion Blower) during normal operation will be objectionable in adjacent areas.
11.Do not locate the water heater where the subsequent installation of the vent (exhaust) or intake air terminations would be objectionable due to noise at the termination(s). This includes locations close to or across from windows and doors. See Venting Installation on page 21.
Fire or Explosion Hazard
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Avoid all ignition sources if you smell gas.
Do not expose water heater controls to excessive gas pressure.
Use only the gas shown on the water heater rating label.
Maintain required clearances to combustibles.
Keep ignition sources away from faucets after extended periods of
Read instruction manual before
installing, using or servicing
water heater.
There is a risk in using fuel burning appliances such as gas water heaters in rooms, garages or other areas where gasoline, other flammable liquids or engine driven equipment or vehicles are stored, operated or repaired. Flammable vapors are heavy and travel along the floor and may be ignited by the water heater’s igniter or Main Burner flames causing fire or explosion.
Flammable items, pressurized containers or any other potential fire hazardous articles must never be placed on or adjacent to the water heater.
Clearance To Combustible Materials
The water heaters covered in this manual are approved for installation on combustible flooring. The clearance to combustible and non combustible construction materials is 0 inches on the back and sides of the water heater. These water heaters are also approved for installation in an alcove.
Note: Adequate clearance for servicing should be maintained on all installations. See Service Clearance below.
| 0 |
| 0 |
WATER | 0 |
Figure 7
Service Clearance
A service clearance of 24 inches (61 cm) should be maintained from serviceable parts such as the T&P valve, control system components, gas valve, clean out opening, drain valve, the vent connection (exhaust elbow) and the condensate drain. Leave as much room as possible above the water heater and near the exhaust elbow for this reason. See Figure 9 on page 16.
Intake Air and Vent Pipe Clearances
The minimum clearance from combustible materials for the vent (exhaust) and intake air piping shall be 0 inches. Vent or intake air piping passing through a combustible wall or ceiling must be a continuous run (no joints).