Programming - Telnet Commands
Terminal Commands (Cont.)
Command | Description |
| |
SET DNS | Sets up the DNS configuration. | |
| This command prompts you to enter a Domain Name, DNS IP #1, | |
| DNS IP #2, and DNS IP #3. | |
| Then, enter Y (yes) to approve/store the information in the | |
| Entering N (no) cancels the operation. | |
| Note: The device must be rebooted to enable new settings. | |
| Example: |
| >SET DNS |
| ||
| settings |
| Enter Domain Suffix: amx.com | |
| Enter DNS Entry 1 | : |
| Enter DNS Entry 2 | : |
| Enter DNS Entry 3 | : |
| You have entered: Domain Name: amx.com | |
| DNS Entry 1: |
| DNS Entry 2: |
| DNS Entry 3: |
| Is this correct? Type Y or N and Enter | |
| Settings written. Device must be rebooted to enable | |
| new settings |
| |
SET JAVA HEAP | Set the amount of memory allocated for the Java pool. This is the cur- | |
| rent Java memory heap size as measured in Megabytes. | |
| Valid values = 2 - 8 |
| This setting does not take effect until the next reboot. | |
| |
SET ETHERNET MODE <CMD> | This command sets the current ethernet configuration settings - | |
| auto OR speed = 10 100, duplex = full half. | |
| Example: |
| set ethernet mode auto | |
| set ethernet mode speed=100 duplex=full | |
| Note: See GET ETHERNET MODE. | |
| |
SET FTP PORT | Enables/Disables the | |
| connections. |
| Note: The | |
| Example: |
| FTP is enabled |
| Do you want to enable (e) or disable (d) FTP (enter e or d): | |
| FTP enabled, reboot the | |
| |
SET HTTP PORT | Sets the | |
| Note: The | |
| Example: |
| Current HTTP port number = 80 | |
| Enter new HTTP port number (Usually 80) (0=disable HTTP): | |
| Setting HTTP port number to | |
| New HTTP port number set, reboot the | |
| to take affect. |
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