Programming - Telnet Commands
Terminal Commands
The Terminal commands listed in the following table can be sent directly to the
In your terminal program, type "Help" or a question mark ("?") and <Enter> to access the Help Menu, and display the Program port commands described below:
Terminal Commands
Command | Description |
| |
(Extended diag messages are OFF) | ||
| |
? or Help | Displays this list of commands. | |
| |
DATE | Displays the current date and day of the week. | |
| Example: |
| >DATE |
| 10/31/2004 Wed |
| |
DISK FREE | Displays the total bytes of free space available. | |
| Example: |
| The disk has 2441216 bytes of free space. | |
| |
DNS LIST <D:P:S> | Displays the DNS configuration of a specific device including: | |
| • Domain suffix· |
| • Configured DNS IP Information | |
| Example: |
| >DNS LIST [0:1:0] |
| Domain suffix:amx.com | |
| The following DNS IPs are configured | |
| Entry | |
| Entry | |
| Entry | |
| |
ECHO ONOFF | Enables/Disables echo (display) of typed characters. | |
| |
GET JAVA HEAP | Display the amount of memory allocated for Java pool. | |
| This is the current Java memory heap size as measured in Mega- | |
| bytes. |
| Example: a value of 5 = 5 MB. | |
| |
GET ETHERNET MODE | Displays the current ethernet configuration setting. | |
| Settings are either "auto" in which the ethernet driver will discover it's | |
| settings based on the network it is connected to OR <speed> and | |
| <duplex> where speed is either 10 or 100 and duplex is either full or | |
| half. |
| Example: |
| Ethernet mode is auto. | |
| Note: See SET ETHERNET MODE. | |
| |
GET IP | Displays the current IP configuration. | |
| Example: |
| >GET IP |
| IP Settings |
| Type | DHCP |
| IP Address | |
| Subnet Mask | |
| Gateway IP | |
| MAC Address 00:60:9f:90:0d:39 | |
| |
IPSEC ONOFFSTATUS | Enables/Disables IPSec security or displays current setting. | |
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