Drive System
Voltage and
Current Checks
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
tain all electrical grounding connections (including
•Examine painted aluminum and galvanized surfaces and
At the conclusion of the installation procedure prior to turning the system over to the sta- tion facility, an installation acceptance check off sheet was prepared and duly signed off if installed by Andrew crew. Part of this check off included voltage readings retaken to determine if proper voltage was available. Current readings were also taken as a refer- ence for future comparison to serve as a troubleshooting aid in determining possible equipment degradation and shortened life. Any current reading taken during the follow- ing procedure that varies by more than five percent from the
Approximately every three months and during a period of down time, disconnect as applicable the RF transmitter and all power supplies. The main disconnect switch in the main load center box at the antenna site must be in the ON position and the LOCAL/REMOTE switch in the local control motor drive controller must be in the LOCAL position.
Open the outer local control/motor drive controller door at the antenna site to gain access to the conductors supplying power to the azimuth, elevation, and polarization drive motors.
NOTE: During the following procedures, the antenna drives (azimuth, elevation, and polarization) will be powered to rotate the antenna and feed in both directions of travel. Check that this condition can be tolerated from a safety as well as an operational stand- point, and that the electrical limits are not reached before the testing is concluded. Reaching an electrical limit before concluding a test necessitates rotating the antenna or feed in the opposite direction a sufficient distance to permit retesting in the desired direction.
Turn the FEED CCW/CW switch to either the CW or CCW position and while the feed is rotating, carefully use a clamp on ammeter in accordance with the ammeter manufactur- er’s instructions to take current readings off each of the three conductors (phases) con- nected to the load side of the polarization motor circuit breaker. Record the current draw in the equipment log and compare the readings to the reference values entered in the installation/acceptance check off. If the readings differ by more than five percent, refer to appropriate troubleshooting information and perform applicable corrective action. Then take voltage readings off each of the three conductors; the readings should agree with each other within two percent.
Repeat preceding step (3) with the FEED CCW/OFF/CW switch in the alternate operat- ing position.
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