38Switched Rack PDU User Guide
Access: Administrator, Device User, and Outlet User, but only for outlets to which the user is assigned.
Description: Cycles power to an outlet or a group of outlets. The specified outlets will be turned off
based on the configured Power Off Delay (see “olOffDelay” on page 41). After the longest Reboot
Duration (see “olRbootTime” on page 43) of the selected outlets, the outlets will then begin to turn on
based on the configured Power On Delays (see “olOnDelay” on page 42) set for the specified outlets.
Example 1: To cycle power to outlets 3, 5 through 7, and 10, type:
apc> olDlyReboot 3,5-7,10
E000: Success
Example 2: To cycle power to an outlet with the configured name of Outlet1, type:
apc> olDlyReboot outlet1
E000: Success
Example 3: To cycle power to all outlets on guest Rack PDU 2, type:
apc> olDlyReboot 2:all
E000: Success
Argument Definition
all All device outlets.
<outlet name> The name configured for a specific outlet. (See “olName” on page 40.)
<outlet#> A single number or a range of numbers separated with a dash, or a comma-
separated list of single outlet numbers and number ranges.