You can write information from your ISP or network administrator on these pages, then enter it in Setup Assistant.
To set up a telephone
ÂService provider name
ÂUser or account name
ÂISP phone number
ÂAlternate phone number
ÂDialing prefix to obtain an outside line
To set up a DSL, cable modem, LAN, or AirPort Extreme wireless connection:
mFirst, choose your connection method (ask your system administrator or your ISP, if you don’t know):
ÂUsing DHCP with a manual address
ÂUsing BootP
If you’re unsure which method to use, “Using DHCP” may be a good choice, because the network supplies most of the required information for you automatically.
If you selected “Manually” or “Using DHCP with a manual address,” gather the following:
ÂIP address
ÂSubnet mask
ÂRouter address
Note: If you selected “Using DHCP with a manual address,” you don’t need a subnet mask or router address.
If you selected “Using DHCP,” gather the following optional information (ask your ISP if you need it):
ÂDHCP client ID
ÂDNS servers
If you selected “PPP” (for PPPoE connections), gather the following:
ÂService provider
ÂAccount name
ÂPPPoE service name
Chapter 1 Getting Started