Your computer has these built-in features
Your iBook at a glance
Mac OS X basics
Macintosh desktop is your starting place
Change the Mac OS to suit your preferences
There are lots of ways to customize Mac OS
To set up the toolbar
What you can do with your iBook
IBook is your Digital hub
Listen to music on your computer or on the go
If you have an iPod, you can transfer up to 1,000 songs
Make your own movie or watch a movie on DVD
Use iMovie to edit video from a digital video camera
Opens automatically
Search Internet
If you know the Internet address, you can go there directly
Or you can search the Internet with Sherlock
Get more out of the Internet with iTools
Store pictures, movies, documents, and other files remotely
Send and receive email
Click Compose
Organize, plan, and create using AppleWorks
To get started using AppleWorks
Keep your iBook’s software up-to-date
Then click
Learn more about using your computer
Software, and accessories Technical information
Advice and troubleshooting
Look in Mac Help
If the computer won’t respond
Then do this
If you can’t log into your computer
If the computer won’t turn on or start up
Other problems
If that doesn’t work, contact the device manufacturer
Install memory and an AirPort Card
For detailed instructions, refer to Mac Help see
Add additional memory
AirPort Card
It out
Work more comfortably
Keyboard and trackpad
Built-in display
External mouse
For more information
Safety and cleaning
You spill something into the case
Where’s the fine print?
Communications, Telephone, and Modem Regulation Information