Pin1 | P18V |
Pin2 | AGND |
Pin3 | N18V |
Pin4 | P21V |
Pin5 | AGN |
Pin6 | N21V |
SK1001 | |
Pin1 | P12V |
Pin2 | DGND |
Pin3 | N12V |
Pin4 | DGND |
Pin5 | P5V |
Pin6 | DGND |
Pin7 | P3V3 |
Pin8 | DGND |
SK1002 | |
Pin1 | PSU SYNC |
Pin2 | PSU GOOD |
Pin3 | PSU KILL |
Pin4 | DGND |
SK1003 | |
Pin1 | P36VF1 |
Pin2 | 0VF1 |
Pin3 | P36VSET |
Pin4 | P5VF2 |
Pin5 | OVF2 |
Pin6 | P5VF2SET |
Pin7 | N/C |
Refer to circuit diagram L896 Sheet 2
The signals to the ADC are converted to balanced by the three opamps that also correct the level to the input of the ADC so that 2VRMS on the input of the first opamp provides a full-scale input to the ADC. 2.45V p-p (Note: not RMS)
A bias is added to the incoming signal so that it can be input to the ADC analogue section which operates on a single 5V rail. The bias is generated by the potential divider R216 and R217 this is 1.75V it is amplified by 1.43 by the opamp to give approximately 2.5V at the output of the opamps IC202 and IC203.
The diodes D200, D201, D202, D203 prevent over voltage signals from being presented to the input of the ADC, they do not protect the ADC if one of the opamp fails, as the diode will blow as well. The ADC itself is set to operate as a master for the I2S interface and to have its internal high pass filter enabled.
Data is output from the ADC on pin 15, it also generates a bit clock at 64xFS on pin 14 and a word clock at Fs on pin 13. The master clock on pin 17 is an input and should be at 256xFs.
Refer to circuit diagram L896 Sheets 3,4,5,6
The DAC sheets are all essentially the same and so are only described once below. The Sub DAC output has some minor differences that are described in the text.
The DAC is a 24bit 192KHz part it consists of a serial interface port, digital interpolation filter, multi bit sigma delta modulator
and stereo DAC. The DAC is in hardware configuration mode (the control of emphasis and serial interface mode is set by pulling pins high and low on the DAC). The serial interface is set to I2S. The pins DM0 and DM1 control the de-emphasis filters and are controlled via a serial to parallel latch (IC905) connected to the micro.
DAC reset is used to initialise the part and is under the control of the microprocessor via a latch (IC905), it is an active low signal. DAC MUTE on the same latch is an active low signal and forces a soft mute of the output of the DAC.
The serial audio data interface consists of the DAC I2S LRCLK, DAC I2S BCLK and DAC I2S DATA.
DAC I2S LRCLK is the left right clock for the audio frames it should be a square wave at the sampling frequency. The signal is low during the left frame and high during the right frame.
DAC I2S BCLK is the bit clock for the data and data is clocked into the DAC on the rising edge of this clock. The bit clock operates at 64 times the left right clock.
DAC I2S DATA is the actual audio data it is should be presented in I2S format that is one bit offset MSB first data of up to 24bits. Each data frame consists of 32bits one offset bit 24 data bits and 7 empty zero bits. (If the actual data is less than 24 bits (i.e. from CD) the unused bits may also be empty zero.)
The output of the DAC is differential on the pins 16,17 for left and 12,13 for right. This signal passes into a second order multiple feedback type balanced to single ended filter. The filter is a second order Bessel function with a three dB point of approximately 75KHz. This filter has been reworked on the Bass output to have a three dB point of approximately 300Hz to reduce the HF noise introduced by the bass management section. The filter is unity gain however the balanced to single ended conversion introduces a gain of two. The output of the balanced to single ended converter should be 2Vrms for a full scale input. Following the filter is a buffer stage. The buffer stage performs two functions, it is a virtual earth mixer used to mix bass information into the other channels when a sub woofer is not present. Switching the CMOS switch 74HCT4053 controls the mix. The control of the CMOS switch is under microprocessor control via a latch (IC904). The second function of the buffer is to provide a ground sense to the Audio board. This allows the two boards to be loosely connected via a high impedance without introducing hum. The difference between the grounds on the two PCBS is sensed by the positive input of the opamp and added into the signal, this effectively removes any ground variation between the two PCBS. The full-scale output of the DAC should produce 2v RMS at the output of the buffer stage.
DAC performance specification
THD better than -95dB (0.0018%)
Noise level at output of buffer better than -100dB ref 2VRMS or 94dBV
Frequency response +/- 0.4dB 10Hz to 20KHz
The other components on the circuit are decoupling for the DAC, OPAMP and CMOS multiplexer. VMIDR and VMIDL are the output bias chains and should be at approximately half the Analogue Voltage rail (2.5V). AVDDL and AVDDR are the logic supply rails for the digital filter and the switched capacitor filter.
Refer to circuit diagram L896 Sheet 7
This is the Digital signal Processor sheet. IC701 is the main DSP it decodes the in coming data stream to provide the 5 channels of discrete audio from Dolby Digital, DTS or MPEG encoded material or a matrix decode of stereo information to 4 or five channel. The decoded data is passed to the second DSP IC702 that performs post processing on the signal, performing the THX equalisation Tone controls and Bass management.