Asoka™ PlugLink™ Wall Mount Users Manual
3)WiFi (Wireless) - is probably the easiest Home Network technology to comprehend. It uses RF (Radio Frequency) technology - much like the technology found in cordless phones, microwaves, and cellular phones - as the medium to transmit data between computing devices. WiFi Networking is also known as the most unreliable and unsecure method to network. RF technology is an open forum where neighbors can easily access your information. In addition, it is also heavily influenced by the environment. Since it uses the same technology as many home appliances, often times, a WiFi network can be intercepted or lost without warning.
4)Powerline - is the latest method to create a LAN. It combines the pros of all networking topologies (Ethernet, HPNA, and WiFi). Much like HPNA, Powerline Networking, as the name implies, uses the existing power line infrastructure of a home or office to transmit data. However, with the abundance of electrical outlets throughout a home or office giving you the flexibility to move around your home or office, Powerline Networking far outweighs the HPNA solution. And since it is still a wired network, Powerline Networking is a secure and reliable network much like an Ethernet Network.
Table 1.0 Comparison of the four network topologies.
Data Rate | Cost | Coverage | QoS | Security |
Ethernet |
802.11a/g |
Powerline |
Simply put, Powerline Networking offers the most convenient and advantageous method to cre- ate a LAN. Unlike an Ethernet Network, a Powerline Network can be established within a few minutes. No need to run new cables through the attic or underneath the house or office. Don't spend thousands of dollars to remodel your home or office only to have ugly wiring hanging around the walls. The no new wires approach to create a LAN is the ultimate way to network a home. But between the three technologies (HPNA, WiFi, and Powerline), Powerline provides the best solution.
For more information about Powerline Networking, please visit Asoka's web site at www.asokausa.com.