Win3.x Audio Drivers

Audio Software

Run INSTALL from the \AUDIO\WIN31\ directory for the following installation screens:

Follow the instructions and make your choice to learn more about INSTALL <F1>, view the README <F2>, quit <F3>, or install Configuration Manager <ENTER>.

You may choose “Full Installation” to install all components or “Custom Installa- tion” to toggle DOS: (1) Audio Samples (2) Readme and Common Q&A Files and WINDOWS: (1) WaveEditor (2) QuickCD. You can select Custom Installation if you are curious about its options and then go back to the previous screen by pressing <ESC>. Pressing <ENTER> at the above screen will show the installation paths. You may change the paths or press <ENTER> again if the paths are correct. Press <ENTER> to continue so that changes can be made to you system files.

Audio Installation

Win3.x Audio Drivers

ASUS Audio User’s Manual