5.5Server Mgmt menu

The Server Mgmt menu displays the server mgmt status, and allows you to change the settings.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.


Main Advanced

Server Mgmt

Event Logs Boot Monitor

Security Tool Exit







BMC Firmware:


Allows you to set the





number of seconds to wait


BMC Detect Timout


for BMC. Use the <+> and


FRB-2 Timer timeout

[6 minutes]

<-> keys to adjust the


FRB-2 Timer Policy




O/S Watchdog Timer




O/S Wtd Timer Timeout

[10 minutes]



O/S Wtd Timer Policy




System Event Log





→←: Select Screen


BMC network configuration


↑↓: Select Item





Enter: Select Item





+/-: Change Opt.





F1: General Help





F2: Previous Values





F5: Optimized Defaults





F10: Save & Exit





ESC: Exit






Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

BMC Detect Timout [120]

Allows you to set the number of seconds to wait for BMC. Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust the value.

FRB-2 Timer timeout [6 minutes]

Enter value between 3 to 6 minutes for FRB Timer Expiratin value. Configuration options: [3 minutes] [4 minutes] [5 minutes] [6 minutes]

FRB-2 Timer Policy [Reset]

Allows to configure how the system should respond if the FRB2 Timer exprise. Not available if FRB2 Timer is disabled.

Configuration options: [Do Nothing] [Reset] [Power Down]

O/S Watchdog Timer [Disabled]

If enabled, starts a BIOS timer which can only be shut off by Intel Management Software after the OS loads. Helps determine that the OS sucessfully loaded or follows the O/S Boot Watchdog TImer Policy.

Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

O/S Wtd Timer Timeout [10 minutes]

Allows to configure the length of the O/S Boot Watchdog Timer. Not available if O/S Boot Watchdog Timer is disabvled.

Configuration options: [5 minutes] [10 minutes] [15 minutes] [20 minutes]


Chapter 5: BIOS setup