6.4.2Change Volume Type
When you are finished to create a RAID set, you can view or change related items in the Volume Properties field.
According to the following steps to change the type in Volume Properties:
1.Click the SAS array items you want to change in Volumes field.
2From the Volume Properties field, select Type:RAID 1 Change type.
3.You can change the Name, Select the new volume type, and Select additional disks to include in the new volume if needed.
4.Then select the Data stripe size for the RAID array (for RAID 0, 10 and 5 only), and then click OK. The available stripe size values range from 4 KB to
128 KB. The following are typical values: RAID 0: 128KB
RAID 10: 64KB
RAID 5: 64KB
We recommend a lower stripe size for server systems, and a higher stripe size for multimedia computer systems used mainly for audio and video editing.