Common Systems Connection Standards | AT&T Services, Inc |
Date: August 31, 2007 |
2 DC Power Interconnection Standards
2.1.1 Nominal -48v DC
Nominal AC Powered Equipment
AC powered equipment will only be considered for approval in the AT&T Telco network when the inverter is embedded as part of the total equipment package.
2.1.2 Redundant Power Feeds
Redundant power feeders are required for all equipment serving network elements. The term network element refers to all switching, transport, data, operator services equipment, and any adjuncts for those elements.
Each element/shelf/circuit pack, whichever is the smallest independent load device of the NE, shall obtain power from at least two power feeds. Furthermore, the return path from the power units shall have individual return cabling from the source.
The use of
a)Appropriately sized
b)Diodes shall also be included in each power path return of the unit.
c)The maximum steady state current to be handled by the diode shall be limited to 50% of the diode’s maximum steady state current rating.
d)Current transients shall not exceed the maximum rated value for the diode.
e)The maximum reverse voltage across the diode shall be limited to 70% of the diode’s peak inverse voltage rating
NE shall be designed to accept diverse power cable routing with inputs on each side of the NE.
2.1 Power Feeds
Redundant power feeder information must be provided in the supplier's response documentation to be in compliance with this item. Power feeds (supply and return ) provided by manufacturer’s shop wired configurations shall be paired and closely coupled.
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