Find Available FM Channels in Your Area
Before attempting any of the procedures below, you should park your vehicle in a safe location.. Do not attempt to set up your FM channels or any onyX function while driving..
PowerConnect allows you to listen to XM audio through your vehicle’s FM radio.. You will first need to find an available FM channel, which is a channel that is not being used by an FM radio station in your area.. When you tune your FM radio to an available channel, you should only hear static or silence – not talk or music..
Once you have found an available channel, you need to tune your XpressRCi’s
We recommend one of the following methods to find an available FM channel:
1Use the SIRIUS XM FM Channel Finder
Use the SIRIUS XM FM Channel Finder at www..xmradio..com/ fmchannel.. Go to the website and enter your zip code.. The Channel Finder will suggest a list of available FM channels in your area.. For convenience, write down or print out the list..
Tune XpressRCi to a favorite XM channel (or to channel 1, if it’s not yet activated).. Turn on your vehicle’s FM radio.. Pick the first FM channel on your Channel Finder list and tune the FM radio to that
channel.. If you do not hear a local FM station broadcast, then tune the XpressRCi to the same FM channel.. (Refer to “Set and Select an