Troubleshooting | Section 7 |
My computer will not verify the phone keys during installation -
It normally takes two (2) or three (3) cycles for all the keys to be recognized. After each cycle, hang up the telephone and wait for the program to reset. Also, depending on the type of phone you have connected to the WIP20, you may need to press each key for one (1) second during the cycle phase.
Skype™ is running but I do not hear a dial-tone -
Make sure the speaker levels are not muted and adjust appropriately. Confirm the Auvi Interface application is running. Also check all hardware is connected correctly.
When listening to music through the audio out jack, I hear music when I answer an incoming call -
Turn off or pause the music program you are using.
The person on the other end of the conversation cannot hear me -
Open up the mic sound level and make sure that the mic is not muted. If you have multiple soundcards on your computer, make sure that the soundcard sekected is the correct one connected to the WIP20.
I cannot hear anything when others speak -
If you are using external speakers, check to see they are plugged in correctly and/or turned on. Also check all hardware is connected correctly.
The Auvi Interface won’t run on my computer after the installation has completed -
If this occurrs, go to http://www.microsoft.com/download. Get and install the latest version of the “.Net Framework Version 1.1”. Upon installation of this update, the application will run correctly.
For additional troubleshooting issues and Frequently Asked Questions on the WIP20, visit the Support page at www.auvivoip.com.
For Skype™ software inquiries, visit www.skype.com.