Chapter 1: Basic Troubleshooting
| Suggested Action or |
Situation | Possible Cause(s) | Resolution |
The user reports that he | Both XMOBILEs are bridged | Check that the first |
or she is missing calls at | to the same line appearance | XMOBILE is bridged to the |
the office number | on the principal phone. | first line appearance and the |
because the cell phone |
| second XMOBILE is bridged |
voice mail is picking up |
| to the second line |
the call instead. |
| appearance. |
(Continued...) |
The user reports that the | The Avaya Communications | |
cell phone is not | Server has not been | trunk screens to make sure |
receiving caller | administered properly for | the send calling |
identification numbers for | sending | number is set to y. |
calls from the Avaya | identification numbers. Most |
Communications Server, | Service Providers require a |
while the office number |
| |
that the cell phone is |
bridged to does. |
| External trunks serving the | Change the routing |
| cell phone are using a | administration to route over |
| an ISDN trunk. | |
The user reports that the | The Configuration Set screen | Change the Calling |
person being called is | has the Calling Number | Number Style field on the |
receiving the incorrect | Style field set to PBX. | Configuration Set screen to |
caller ID. |
| network. |
| There is an incorrect entry on | Verify that the entries on the |
| the ISDN | ISDN |
| numbering screen. | numbering screen are |
| correct. |
The user reports that the | The ISDN Service Provider | Escalate the issue to your |
cell phone is receiving a | (SP) is replacing the caller | Telecom Manager who may |
switch default caller | identification with a fixed | contact your ISDN SP to |
identification number for | caller ID. | request that this be fixed, or |
calls from the Avaya |
| find an alternate ISDN SP |
Communications Server. |
| that allows the caller |
| identification to pass. |
| The switch is blocking the | Change your switch |
| outgoing caller identification | administration to allow caller |
| and is passing a default caller | identification to go outside |
| ID. | the switch. |