Terminal Error Codes
| Suggested Action or |
Situation | Possible Cause(s) | Resolution |
When attempting to | The XMOBILE Type | Change the XMOBILE Type |
Enable/Disable EC500, | administered on the Station | administered on the Station |
an intercept tone is | screen for the XMOBILE | screen to EC500. |
received. | station is not EC500. |
| The XMOBILE station’s | Access the associated |
| XMOBILE Type field is | Configuration Set screen |
| EC500 and Configuration | and ensure that the entry in |
| Set is not administered for | the Post Connect |
| dtmf. | Dialing Option field is |
| dtmf. |
The office caller ID is that | The XMOBILE station is not | Bridge the XMOBILE station |
of the origination mapped | bridged to the principal. | to the principal extension. |
EC500 XMOBILE station |
and not that of the |
principal extension. |
Terminal Error Codes
When the service state of an XMOBILE station changes from
When the service state of an XMOBILE station changes from
See Chapter 5, “Maintenance,” in theEC500 Release 3 Installation and Administration Guide for more information on busy out and release maintenance commands.
Issue 3 January 2002