Chapter 10 Switch Configuration
Syslog Configuration CLI Commands
Use the CLI commands briefly described below for configuring System Logging. The rules of syntax and output examples are all set out in detail in the Reference Guide.
In order to... | Use the following command... |
Enable or disable logging for the | set logging session {enable |
current session | disable} |
Define a filter rule for logging | set logging session condition |
messages for the current session |
Display the logging configuration | show logging session condition |
for the current session |
Define the IP addresses of the | set logging server |
Syslog servers |
Delete a Syslog server from the | clear logging server |
Syslog server table |
Enable or disable logging for a | set logging server {enable disable} |
Syslog server |
Define a filter rule for logging | set logging server condition |
messages for a Syslog server |
Update the server facility | set logging server facility |
parameter of a configured Syslog |
server |
Defines the access level associated | set logging server |
with a Syslog server sink. |
Display the logging configuration | show logging server condition |
for the specified Syslog server or for |
all servers |
Enable or disable logging to a file | set logging file {enable disable} |
on NVRAM |
Define a filter rule for logging | set logging file condition |
messages to a file |
Display the logging configuration | show logging file condition |
for the file sink. |
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