AXIS P5522 PTZ Dome Network Camera
Record ings
To play or download a continuous recording, follow these steps:
1. Go to Recordings > Continuous.
2. To play or download the recording from a point in time, enter the year, month, date and the time in hours and minutes in
the From eld.
3. Enter the amount of the recording (hours and minutes) to play or download in the Duration eld.
4. Click Play to playback the recording, or click Download to download the recording.
Multiple recordings can be downloaded at the same time. Select the recordings and click Download. The downloaded le is a zip le
containing a minimum of three les, of which the Matroska (mkv) les are the actual recordings. The recordings are time-stamped
with the date and time they were downloaded (that is, not the date the recordings were made).
To play recordings in Windows Media Player, AXIS Matroska File Splitter must be installed. AXIS Matroska File Splitter
can be downloaded from